Sometimes, it's the little things that count. more trees helps businesses like ours to plant trees to sequester carbon dioxide in the future.
More trees
As part of our commitment to social value, we recognise the need to measure and deliver on our global impact.
To help us achieve this goal, we have teamed up with more trees, a tree planting community that allows us to work towards carbon offsetting our business by unlocking the carbon capture potential of trees.
For instance, by planting a single tree for every man to site instance, we are supporting global efforts in fighting climate change.
How it works
Tree planting is crucial in offsetting carbon emissions for a business like Synchro. Here's how it works:
Through the collaboration with more trees, we're not only helping offset our carbon emissions but also contributing to increasing diversity in tree-planting communities. This ensures that environmental initiatives are inclusive and benefit a wide range of people, fostering a sense of shared responsibility for the environment.
For every reactive or proactive maintenance visit, we look to secure a tree for Synchro and on behalf of our clients each year.